Add your business to the directory

Enter your business details below. Once your submission has been approved, you will also recieve log in details so you can update your listing at a later date.

About your Business

Enter your business Name

.jpg or .png

please include the https:// or http://

This will show on the directory

This will show on the directory

Your Account

Create your online account where you can access important documents and manage your business listing.

Choose and address to log in with.

A password will be generated and sent to you when your account is created.

How to find Unit 99


Unit 99 is on the first floor can be accessed via door F or Door E

Book a Room

You can make a booking here or view all available rooms

Select service*

Enquire about a space to rent

If you are interested in renting a space at the Maltings Business Centre, please complete the form below.

If you haven’t already, why not check out our available units here. If we don’t have anything currently available, please still complete the form below and we’ll be happy to add you to our waiting list.